Naturopathic Concierge Primary Care

Ask Dr. Ray​
For Newsletter Subscribers & Patients Only
Got a burning health & wellness question?
Dr. Ray is here to help you out! Submit ONE question below to Dr. Ray and she will reply back with a response. ​​
Before sending your question, you understand and agree to the following:
All responses from Dr. Ray are for informational and educational purposes only.
Patients seen within the last 2 years may be eligible for medical advice per Dr. Ray's discretion.
Each verified submission receives only one emailed response from Dr. Ray.
If you require medical care, please seek immediate attention from your current doctor or urgent care center.
Tip donation is required to receive a reply from Dr. Ray. Your donation reciprocates appreciation for Dr. Ray's time and effort given to your question.
All donations are non-refundable.
Always show kindness and consideration during your interaction. Rude behavior, entitlement, and disrespect is not tolerated, and violators will be immediately banned from all services.
Only active newsletter subscribers and current patients of Dr. Ray can submit questions.
Examples of Suitable Questions: (keep your question simple but concise)
Is keto diet safe long-term for non-diabetics?
Does licorice affect blood pressure?
Is there any recent research on dandelion for fertility support?
What are some effective natural therapies for knee pain management?
Submission of your question and donation confirms you agree with the terms and conditions above.