Naturopathic Concierge Primary Care

Ready to Become
a Patient?​
Follow the steps below to enroll & start care.
Dr. Ray is Currently Enrolling New Patients
Below are the next steps to become a new patient and work with Dr. Ray.
Complete a Free 30-minute Discovery Call
All new patients are required to first book a discovery call to meet with Dr. Ray to see if her practice and healing approach is a great fit for you. You cannot become a patient without first completing this initial consult. Please do not skip this step!
Choose Your Service Plan & Schedule First Session
After completing your discovery call and you're ready to begin care, you can choose to purchase one of the options below that best suits your needs (scroll down). Complete the purchase and schedule the first session. ​
Receive Access to Patient Portal & Create a Log-in
After payment is submitted, you'll receive access to your Practice Better PHR patient portal via your email. Use the portal-access email to create a log-in and sign into your account. This portal is where you will complete online forms, make appointments, view lab results, send encrypted messages, view medical records and treatment plans. You can also upload any previous medical records to share in PDF format.
Complete Online Paperwork
Log into your Practice Better PHR portal to sign your program contract and waivers, and complete your new patient intake forms. Submit the forms.
Bonus Access for All-inclusive Plan Members:
Receive Access to the Natural Wellness Online Course
If you sign up for the Semestrial or Infinity Care Plan, you will receive an email giving you free access to Dr. Ray's 5-star rated Natural Wellness Intensive online course and exclusive Wellness School videos. You may begin using these resources immediately for wellness support.
Select Your Plan to Begin
Please note, you must FIRST complete a Free Discovery Call with Dr. Ray before becoming a new patient.
If you purchase without ever having a discovery call, you cannot book your visit until after the call.