Wow, Spring is here! Did you wake up at 4AM/5AM today and don't know why?
You're not alone. I was up at 4AM, and other family and friends shared they were too. That's what we call the Spring Equinox Energy. It's exciting, awakening and invigorating if you submit to the flow. I love this time of year and always feel such hope and joy. It's a busy time where many will rev up productivity and become hyper-focused on their primary goals. Use this time to manifest momentum for your current goals or ideas.
As a multi-ethnic Black indigenous person, I feel endowed to share perspectives on modernized approaches to Eastern medicinal practices. It's important to recognize how Spring or vernal energy affects mind, body and spirit. It is an energy that allows us to connect with the Earth and each other to foster renewal and beginnings. Inspired by enriched Afro-indigenous cultural traditions to honor Spring, below are five ways to show gratitude for a new season of hope and joy:
Plant New Life
This is a great time to restart those victory gardens and put some seeds and bulbs into the Earth. Give honor to Spring by planting new life. Check with your local plant shops and nurseries for expert quick-start help.
Consecration & Cleanse
Many religions around the globe share a common tradition of starting a prayer fast or cleanse right before or during Spring. In many cultures, it is a way to atone for your misgivings and connect with a higher power. For others, it is a way to release the Winter weight. Regardless of reason, in general, a clean diet and water flush is great support for the organ of the season, liver.
Gathering for a Spring feast with your tribe
What better way to celebrate the season of hope and joy then to enjoy delicious food together. Whether it's Easter, Passover, Holi, Songkran or many other Spring celebrations, food is an essential communal medicine uniting the joy and festivities. Create your own home Spring feast with a few of your favorite people to enjoy the equinox. Potlucks and supper clubs are a great option as well.
Praise Singing & Dancing by a Bonfire
Spring epitomizes joy, and it's no surprise that many indigenous traditions included special songs of praise and dance around a communal fire to celebrate the equinox. We still love music and dance today for joyous occasions. I intend to host my own dance party (read: me, myself and I), and encourage you to think of a song that makes you feel like Spring or want to dance.
Refreshing Your Ancestral Altar or Temple
For many millennia, there has been evidence of humans and tribes showing reverence and honor to ancestors and theistic beliefs. Many religions and cultures today still use personal and communal altars and/or temples to celebrate Spring traditions. If you tend to partake, then this is a great time to spruce up your altar or communal temple if traditions permit.
Honestly, if none of this appeals to you, that is fine too. Do YOU! Simply find some time to enjoy Spring in a way that is special to you.